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WhAt R U L00kIng??

my japanese name

My authentic japanese name is 飯野 Iino (rice plains) 弓美 Yumi (beautiful bow, as in bow and arrow).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Senin, 28 September 2009


konichiwa!!!(dagh lama g ngomong jepang nih*sigh*)oh,ya tujuanq disini tuk ngasih tau ada blog anyar*boso jawi:ON*yang judulnya 7and9soul....dengan alamat
OR.... maybe blog laennya
http// dengan judul 7bestfriend blog
http// dengan judul ninecatlovers story....

3 blog diatas adalah blog yang mengandung unsur persahabatan anak-anak (remaja?)semarank yang gokil,edyan,gak bener and cool(?)*sigh*tapi tetep sayank ortu,nurut ma guru,tetep suka berteman!heheheehe

so..don't forget to visit those blog for your friendship to get better!comment and follow those blog!kay??

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